Santa Cruz County Fire Documentation
General Santa Cruz County Fire and CSA 48 Information
2005 Santa Cruz County LAFCO fire protection services review - LAFCO is the Local Agency Formation Commission. More about LAFCO at: The linked report discusses various fire agencies, their funding, and related issues.
2007 South County Fire Service Study - prepared for LAFCO. The study is in the bottom half of the page at that link. It contains interesting information related to CSA 48.
CSA 48 Map from LAFCO - shows the area of Santa Cruz County that County Fire protects.
2010 Report to County Supervisors on CSA 48 funding and options - this is the report that got many Summit area residents upset and worried that they might lose off season fire coverage.
2012 County Fire Services Presentation - it is not clear who this was presented to, but it discusses county fire and the funding situation in some depth.
Santa Cruz County Fire Budget and Funding Information
2014-15 Budget Year
2014-15 Draft Budget Letter - summarizes the draft 2014-15 Santa Cruz County Fire budget. This budget is subject to change before final approval.
2014-15 Draft Budget Detail - PDF of scanned original.
2014-15 Draft Budget Detail Spreadsheet - hand transcribed from original.
2014-15 Proposed Budget Sub-Object Explanation - details about various accounts in the budget detail documents linked above.
2013-14 Budget Year
2013-14 County Fire Budget - see pg 58 & 59, from the county website.
2013-14 CSA 48 Statement - also from the county website.