Join the Team
One of our biggest needs is not equipment, but personnel.
Maintaining a force large enough to respond day in and day out is not easy. Not everybody can respond at all times, and the passage of a new law that prohibits paid firefighters from volunteering has cut into our ranks. In order for a modern volunteer force to survive it requires a balance of young career bound firefighters and those who have their roots deep in the community. The paradox is that those who have the most free time to devote often move on into paid duty shifting the weight on those with full time employment and often times family obligations. Additionally, the sheer volume of training required can also impact the prospective volunteers desire to join the department let alone the ability to remain active. On the plus side there is a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Gaining the knowledge required and putting it to use in benefit of your neighbors and community leads to substantial fulfillment. Nobody ever leaves the team because they don't like the mission.
Those interested in taking the leap should contact one of the officers listed below. We welcome all comers, male and female. You must live in the response area and be at least 18 years of age. There are a series of classes and training you must attend to be able to respond on calls. All required training is available through Cal Fire, which will put you through a Volunteer Academy, First Responder (medical training), Safety Orientation, Hazardous Materials and Confined Space training. There is no cost for the training.
We look forward to hearing from you!